Rights, Duties and Obligations
4.4.1Each member by virtue of membership, shall be deemed to have agreed to abide by the provisions of this Constitution and rules and in particular:
a) To pay the Association during membership, the amount of the annual subscription/fees.
b) The subscription made by each member shall be determined by the Association from time to time.
- It shall be the duty of each member to register with the Secretary the address to which one desires communications to be sent to him/her and to notify to the Secretary any change in such registered address.
c) Members who have not paid their annual subscription fees will not be eligible to take part in any Association activities until subscription fees have been paid, however they will continue to be notified of Association matters for three (3) months after due date, thereafter their names will be removed from the list of members.
d) Persons whose names have been removed from the membership shall not participate or represent the Association in any activity.
e) Upon request to disclose on the prescribed form provided, such information as the Association may require for the purpose of fixing the annual subscription/fees or any other information needed by the Association.
f) In the event of any dispute arising of the provisions of this constitution, in the interpretation of the subscription fees payable by any member, to accept the ruling of the Association, who shall have the right of investigation and whose decision shall be final.
4.4.2 Members who are not in good standing, for whatever reason, and whose membership has been cancelled shall not be entitled to be refunded the whole or any part of any subscription fees paid.
4.4.3 Every member shall have the right, or through his/her nominee, to attend, speak and vote at any General Meeting of the Association and, subject to the provisions of section 11.2.2, to stand for election to the council.
4.4.4 A member who has been requested by Council to forfeit membership in terms of Section shall cease to be entitled to any of the rights or benefits of membership from the date specified by the Council.
4.4.5 Every member shall have the right to submit proposals for consideration by the Council or a General meeting. shall cease to be entitled to any of the rights or benefits of membership from the date specified by the Council.
4.4.6 Every member shall be entitled upon request to receive a copy of the constitution constitution.